Perspectives on effective communication

There are key principles that will enhance your communication strategy and delivery…

Know your audience

Whether you are communicating to a small group or the whole organization, it’s important to understand what motivates people to stop and read, and more importantly, take action. There are various techniques to engage people to help define an appropriate communication strategy to achieve what you expect and need for your various audiences.

Make it simple

Shorter is better. And simple language wins out. With social media driving how we consume information, it’s important to embrace similar techniques such as dynamic headlines, short stories, and attention-getting visuals, along with links to more in-depth details for people who want more.

Make it engaging

Captivate your readers through personal stories and thought-provoking ideas. Use leadership, including supervisors, to help to help provide meaning and support. And, let your reader know you’re listening to their viewpoints.

Make it visual

Catch your reader’s attention through engaging imagery and presenting information that looks easy to read. A complicated layout and/or too much text may cause your reader to move on without paying attention to what you are saying. But, if it looks interesting and it draws them in, you’re one step closer to achieving effective communication.